1. no, I wouldn’t actually, I read exactly what you said and it just felt condescending and preachy

  2. you can’t be friends with everybody, its just kind of an unavoidable fact about humans

  3. the best way you can be friendly is by leaving me alone

  4. I value my mental health over being friendly

in conclusion: please leave me alone, Oren

(btw I unfollowed you way before the Palestine argument)

Alright then. That’s it.

I just want to add, as a final comment, that I do not wish ill on you in any way. I do not think that you are a bad person, and I hope you are doing well. I am sorry if I hurt you in any way, but I feel that the aggression was the only way to get you to leave me alone for good. I personally do not like you, but I am just one person on the internet, I am sure there are plenty of people who do like you.

thank you for listening, I will not respond to any comment after this.


Wow why did you guys get mad at each other over some hot take I made a few days ago

(When I said that’s it, I meant like “that’s done” or “that’s that”. I thought it sounded a little aggressive so I just wanted to clarify)

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