Wait I think it was some big argument about unions

Lol I wish current kerfuffles were like that instead of whatever they are about everytime

no it still sucked

there were over 500 comments on the original post

Is the og post deleted or is it still up?

I have no idea, it was a while ago

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what’s that one javascript sandbox website called?

Because you're going offline tomorrow, would you rather I hold my questions until you return, or should I start now?

throw em at me, I’ll still have service in the car and apparently we won’t actually be there until tomorrow

Alright, here we go.

#1. Who is represented by the rightmost symbol - the very dark purple one - in your Symbols of the Divine art piece?

That was the symbol representing Saurnos, the god of entropy, basically the opposite of nihilev, but still quite destructive. As you might be able to tell I didn’t really do much with him.

do note that most of the stuff about those gods aren’t really used much anymore. A lot of things I come up with are temporary and subject to frequent changes or depreciation.


#2: What's your philosophy about relations between dragons and humans (as in, how you personally feel they should interact together)?

sorry i accidentally unfollowed you while cleaning my following list lmao

mef backwards is….



Can I have your number /j (please don’t take this out of context)

oh yeah sure, its 4

holy shit no way really?

wait did someone in the comments get verified as a dragon???

oh thats just an emoji they added to thier display name

(they are actually the person who made the most popular(?) emoji packs, theyre very cool)

oh cool (I need the dragon emojis)

shoot, they’re his sona specifically

but will that stop me…

then uhh


how about if you make your post clearer and say “think OR talk about it” then I will respect your wishes and I will delete my repost. Fair?

nice, removed it chief

saw your bio and it’s super real. free palestine 🍉

:D thx

Hey man, you’ve been getting really mad when people disagree with you recently. You blew up at k10398 and me on the Palestine thing (I agree with you mostly, but there’s a lot more nuance to it) and then got really annoyed with my comment on the recent post (not to defend myself, but my comments were literally only inductive reasoning). And, you unfollowed me on the Palestine thing. You also accepted k10398’s apology pretty coldly (although I don’t know what your intent was, it looks pretty cold on the outside).

I don’t think that’s a healthy way to live which is why I’m saying this to you. I’m sincerely sorry if I’ve been a jerk in any way, but I definitely don’t think all of this is deserved. I want to have a friendly relationship, not like what we’ve been having recently. If there’s anything I should do, let me know.

If you want to respond or debate, I’m willing to, just don’t make a big, public deal about it (you usually don’t which is good).

You are not entitled to being liked by me. Please delete this.

May I ask why?

why what

Two things:

  1. Why I’m not entitled to be liked by you

  2. Why I should delete the comment

I care about the first more than the second

  1. That’s just a basic fact, I do not have to like you.

  2. You’re acting like you’re someone who I have a reason to be in a relationship with, like an irl friend or acquaintance, even though you are not. Your comment on “its not healthy to be angry“ feels very condescending, I do not like to be angry, but you seriously annoy me sometimes, and its hard to get you to go away without being aggressive sometimes.

we don’t have to be friends, and with the way you act, I don’t really want to be.

I also do not want to be aggressive or angry, but I will if I feel it is necessary.

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Sorry about my outrageous reaction a few days ago. I was in a pretty bad mood that day and I didn't make things better.

Agree to disagree (on the topic I started the argument on)? I won't bring it up again

what was ðis account’s username before you changed it to mef?

It has always been mef

I did change it temporarily once for a joke though

what was it changed to?

I think it was like mef#### (# represents some numbers I don’t remember) because there was a joke that wasteof used discriminators like discord used to and some other people did that

mine was 0245

I’ve noticed you using void script words that aren’t included in the original list. Where can I find an up-to-date lexicon?

at this point I just kinda throw symbols together to look cool ngl, so some might just be gibberish just to look cool

its more of a decorative language than anything else, but I do have a doc outlining what the symbols inside of the words can mean, I’ll give you that part if you want

Sure, I’ll have that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Documentation on cryptic stuff - especially conlangs that use non-Latin script - are very powerful brain fuel for me.

(That was a request to have said document, in case you misinterpreted my previous comment.)

I don’t have it at the moment

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