you should make a post about the extremely chaotic democratic dark fluid missions on Meridia

I think I’ve committed a thoughtcrime

Thank you for reaching out to the Ministry of Truth for any undemocratic activity. Could you better explain the nature of your crime?

it’s one of my posts, I would not recommend reading it if you value your sanity

George Orwell 1984 moment

You have been reported to your democracy officer for unpatriotic behavior. Enjoy the reeducation facilities.


I didn't vote for the re-education facilities

Valiant citizen of Super Earth, remember that reeducation is mandatory. It is one of the few ways we can support our helldivers in the galactic campaign and keep our sacred values from being corrupted by the Terminid and Automaton threats. For the glory of Super Earth!

Fun. I still don't want to be “re-educated”

Prove to everyone you have the strength and courage to be free. Join the helldivers!

The helldivers; an elite peace-keeping group spreading democracy throughout the galaxy.