Projects I want to work on rn:
weather website using Apple WeatherKit api
cloud games website for scratch
personal website (kinda boring now since i’ve finished the draggable windows, the only thing left is just content)
Fashion and websites are pretty much the only things I can design - but I can design them very well
I'm gonna make a website that lets you see who's playing scratch cloud games
Both of these posts are based
This is super relatable
when your body wakes you up at 7am bro it’s the holidays I want to get up at 7pm
Sometimes I just need to post stuff like this to get it out of my head, sorry
mfw I go to a store on the same day they open the raffle for their nike collab
The Kids See Ghosts album cover is what my mind would look like if it were visualized
Me when I've done more in 3 hours than the last 2 Saturdays combined