
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

wasteof when I’m here: 😴

wasteof when I leave for a week: 🔥🇺🇸🗳️

Also, I got to see a nuclear reactor core while it was running today. It was super cool

Hey guys I have been entirely offline so far this week, and I will be offline probably until July 6, but I might be online on Saturday. The reason is because I have multiple camps this week and next week.

It actually feels really good to not use the internet at all. We get so used to it but it’s not even remotely necessary for living a fulfilling life. I love coding, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think I’m cut out to be an engineer. If you give me the chance to do something irl with friends I will do it over coding every time. Anyways, thanks guys for listening to me yap. The camp that was super amazing and changed my life last year is coming around next week. Maybe I’ll have something to say about that. See y’all 🫡😃

Jun 28, 2024, 12:33 AM
12 0 4

Hey guys I have been entirely offline so far this week, and I will be offline probably until July 6, but I might be online on Saturday. The reason is because I have multiple camps this week and next week.

It actually feels really good to not use the internet at all. We get so used to it but it’s not even remotely necessary for living a fulfilling life. I love coding, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think I’m cut out to be an engineer. If you give me the chance to do something irl with friends I will do it over coding every time. Anyways, thanks guys for listening to me yap. The camp that was super amazing and changed my life last year is coming around next week. Maybe I’ll have something to say about that. See y’all 🫡😃

parsejson response bot_debug {origin: "UK"),{prompt:"write another post in the style of Oren"}, {output:"parsejson response err {response:"ERR ChatGPT 4-0 Credits Expired"}"}

Week 23/52

2. I got 30 miles this week

I’m sorry guys, a lot of these goals I just can’t work on every week. So these posts look really failing because I only post like one or two goals. Just know that I’m still working.

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

Post your new #iOS18 Home Screen setups 🤩💯

Love these #aesthetic setups 🚨❤️🦠

Maybe we should consider that possibly… this is just a wild guess… but there may be a slim sliver of a chance that iPhones are better than Androids in some ways. And Androids are better than iPhones in some ways. And Apple makes features that Androids don’t have. I’m really tired of the crazy arguments we always have, not just online but in person. Every argument about Apple versus Android always devolves into the Android guy screaming the top 5 things about Android and the worst 5 things about Apple, and the Apple guy doing the same but reversed.

The fact is… without competition, either platform would be garbage. They each need the other one (and the people saying the other one is better!) to get better themselves. So I’m going to stop saying one is better than the other. I like iOS better because it has better aesthetics (which is a personal opinion), I’m used to it, and I’m in the ecosystem. Some may like Android better. So be it.

Stop trying to get people to change their minds, though. They won’t.

Best WWDC of all time

Week 22/52

I got back from my trip partway through this week, so I only got 17 miles of running. I finished goal 7 though. So far - goals 4 and 7 are done, and goal 10 is a bust.

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

Guys thanks for helping me surpass @tommyinnit

Guys you should help me surpass @tommyinnit

Guys we should help each other all surpass @tommyinnit

Guys you should help me surpass @tommyinnit

Guys you should help me surpass @tommyinnit

Somebody should scrape this post and make like a tracker for it

(view this post on an updated wasteof.money client)

Do you think we will we reach 5000 users before wasteof day (June 12)? wasteof has 4927 right now.

https://alpha.wasteof.money/stats ← Go there to see the current count

Continues to amaze me how gullible wasteof users are

Jun 5, 2024, 7:04 PM
10 2 13

I’m the antithesis of the entire user base of this site yet I’m 6th most followed somehow

Jun 5, 2024, 6:15 PM
5 0 3

South Dakota

Top is Crazy Horse monument, middle is the Spearfish formation in Wind Cave NP, bottom is Badlands NP.

Anyways, did anything while I was gone?