
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

Kamariny Track, Kenya. This is where the fastest runners in the world train.

You don’t need any kind of special equipment, you just need to be consistent.

You could see the aurora as far south as south Georgia yesterday night. We went down to a darker spot at 11 PM but there were clouds so we didn’t get to see it.

I need to start liking posts more. I stopped doing it for some reason

Well, school is done. Summer’s here. Time to get to work.

Week 17/52

  • 2: I ran 14 miles this week. This was due to a camping trip

  • 3: Sadly I don’t think i’ll be doing a race this month. I just didn’t make it a priority to find one.

  • 4: I am basically done with school at this point. There’s almost nothing left to do.

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

Normal teenagers are scrolling Instagram and watching TikTok, meanwhile I’m planning roadtrips through Algeria

Just to clarify, I didn’t mean I want to talk to someone about anything specific right now. I just meant that in general, I wish I had someone like this.

I wish I just had someone to tell everything to without judging me. I have a lot of really good friends but I can’t actually tell them 90% of what I’m thinking. I can’t tell y’all about irl stuff or my dreams because you’re not Christians and you wouldn’t understand, but I can’t tell anyone irl about anything online, technical, or philosophical, because they’ll judge me massively and they won’t understand. I don’t even want to post this, because I feel like y’all will judge me. I just want 1 person who I can tell everything to without filtering. Being an introvert is great and I love it, but sometimes it’s just so lonely to not be able to tell people something.

I wish I just had someone to tell everything to without judging me. I have a lot of really good friends but I can’t actually tell them 90% of what I’m thinking. I can’t tell y’all about irl stuff or my dreams because you’re not Christians and you wouldn’t understand, but I can’t tell anyone irl about anything online, technical, or philosophical, because they’ll judge me massively and they won’t understand. I don’t even want to post this, because I feel like y’all will judge me. I just want 1 person who I can tell everything to without filtering. Being an introvert is great and I love it, but sometimes it’s just so lonely to not be able to tell people something.

I get distracted on YouTube shorts all the time so I want to block it but I don’t want to block all of YouTube because I don’t get distracted by normal videos. Anyone know a way to block just the /shorts/* path? On Mac of course

What do y’all think of my idea for a governmental system?

  • Executive branch is a council of 9 or 11 members who are elected for a 9 or 11 year term (however many members there are). The elections are staggered so someone new is elected to this council every year, but since members are there for so long, there remains a lot of stability (so you can’t just have someone like Trump win 1 election and blow everything up). There is a main leader of this council (the president) and a vice president, who must be from a different party than the president.

  • The Executive council has quite a bit more power than the President in the US, but any overreach is countered by a strong judiciary and institutions.

  • The legislative branch is similar to the current U.S. Congress, except the House has less power and the Senate has more. The Senate requires a larger majority vote to get into (60% maybe) and you must be a member of the House before you can get into the Senate.

This fixes some of the major problems of liberal democracy, mainly partisan gridlock and extreme radicals taking an oversized share of power. It also should accelerate economic growth and stability, which democracy does not usually bring to developing countries. Also, this government has gold-backed currency, 0% inflation, and a balanced budget as core principles in the constitution.

My uncle lives in Jerusalem so he’s pretty affected by the recent developments in Israel. If Iran attacks he and his family will be in a lot of danger. If you will, please keep him (and everyone else in Israel, Gaza and Iran) in your prayers.

Apr 15, 2024, 12:46 AM
15 0 6

By far the hardest part of making the iOS app is dealing with the profiles and certificates needed, especially because my dad’s account is the actual developer account but mine is the one on my laptop. It’s super hard to juggle.

Week 15/52

  • 2. I ran 26 miles this week

  • 4. We’re almost there. I’ve been grinding on school and it’s been crazy. You’ll see next week.

  • 5. Sorry about no updates to the app. I’m trying to send one out right now. We’ll see.

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

Zauntee has quickly become my favorite artist, besides making the most hype songs he’s also a great guy and role model