
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

I didn’t realize how much milk I drink until I looked at the calories. My usual glass holds >2 cups (~0.5 l) and I drink at least 3 glasses a day, usually more. And this is whole milk, which has 150 calories per cup, so I’m getting almost 1000 calories per day just off of milk.

I’ve never broken any bones though, so that’s good

Week 14/52

  • 2: I ran only 11 miles this week due to being sick.

I didn’t really do much this week, sorry

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

I went there yesterday and it was pretty cool, I saw a wild turkey which I’ve never seen before. It’s also really crazy that there’s just so much wild space right there, it’s surrounded by neighborhoods and a highway. There’s also the old golf cart trail which seems like it just goes randomly through the woods (the course has been shut down so long that the greens are just forest now, so the trail seems random). The sad part is they’re trying to develop it into houses, which would destroy all the nature.

This is super anticlimactic but I didn’t even go there yesterday because there was someone there

And oren was never heard from again

I’m gonna try to explore an old abandoned golf course that is like right by my house. I’ll tell you how it went tomorrow

This is super anticlimactic but I didn’t even go there yesterday because there was someone there

And oren was never heard from again

I’m gonna try to explore an old abandoned golf course that is like right by my house. I’ll tell you how it went tomorrow

I’m gonna try to explore an old abandoned golf course that is like right by my house. I’ll tell you how it went tomorrow

Scratch forumers watching as their community, built up over like 7 years, disintegrates in 48 hours from an April Fools joke:

Ok what actually happened while I was gone


TW: immature people will not appreciate this post

There’s a lot of stuff I really want to say about controversies and stuff but I know I shouldn’t. I have been controversial in the past (IYKYK) and being on the outside now really reveals how stupid it is. I don’t want to start that again. So I’m gonna give some meta thoughts, and why I’m hopeful this will stop eventually.

Most of the recent controversies have been about jokes that someone made that were in bad taste, and then it turns into an argument about some bigger issue (Imagine somebody makes a joke about their friend being so stupid for using 24hr time. If it blew up, it would become an argument about which time method is better.). This is just immature. If you really don’t want to start controversy, don’t post a joke if it even has a chance of starting an argument. “But I should be able to make a joke 😩” Is it worth it at the expense of a controversy? Set your priorities right.

How this looks practically:

I’m going to use myself as an example. I used to be super controversial. I became more mature and look what happened. I haven’t been involved in any major controversy at all. I used to use wasteof on my Apple Watch. I stopped doing this because it made it easy for me to post something without thinking. Now I only use it on my computer, and I only use the computer between noon and 4pm. Maybe you should do the same thing. Put barriers between yourself and this site if you have a problem with not thinking about your words.

If you set limits on yourself, eventually you will get used to them and you can go back to how it was without the limits, because the limits make you more mature. I can’t use wasteof on my watch because of a bug with watchOS, but I think I am mature enough to handle it now.

TLDR: Do whatever it takes to get maturity and avoid controversy. This may require leaving wasteof, or changing how you use it. But no matter what it takes you should probably do it. Stop the immaturity and focus on what really matters.

The good thing is, maturity naturally grows with age. wasteof seems to be around it’s carrying capacity (the amount of new users has decreased massively from its late-2022 peak), so from this point on the average age of the site will only increase. The average maturity should do the same. So I think it will get better in the future.

I am not leaving wasteof anytime soon and I think its a really bad move to do so. Leaving because you think the community is bad is really prideful (“I deserve better”) and it usually makes the community even worse, starting a negative feedback loop.

Anyways, hope this is helpful. Maturity is really lacking on here and I think it’s the core problem that causes fights and arguments. That and a lack of humility.

Going on a mission trip to Washington, DC tomorrow with my youth group!

Did anyone actually take this seriously? If so, read the 4th paragraph.

Dear wasteof.money Community,

I must come forth with a confession that burdens my conscience. Recent events in our community, including what has been referred to as the "skibidi takeover," were orchestrated by me with a singular goal in mind: to prompt the moderation team to shut down the site, forcing us to step away from our screens and touch grass.

Through the creation of alt accounts and the fabrication of personas like "dertermenter" and "dood," I engineered a narrative designed to sow anger and escalate tensions. The character of "lily" was a pawn in this scheme, employed to worsen conflicts and drive the community towards chaos. I used supporting characters like “radi8”, “raery”, and “duolingo” to boost my plan.

However, despite my careful planning and manipulation, the desired outcome was not achieved. Instead of prompting a shutdown and a much-needed break from our digital realms, the result has been nothing short of a failure.

What's more, I regret to inform you that the repercussions of these events went beyond our virtual realm. Several users have confided in me that the heightened stress and anxiety caused by the turmoil within our community led to unfortunate accidents, including instances of individuals so consumed by the drama that they involuntarily soiled themselves during a math exam.

Going forward, I’m resolved to learn from this experience and seek alternative means to foster positive change within our community. Let us use this moment of reflection to reaffirm our commitment to empathy, understanding, and mutual respect


Oren “The Skibidi Rizzler” Lindsey

Mar 22, 2024, 5:01 PM
34 5 34

Week 12/52

Sorry I missed posting this the last couple of weeks. It was due to a change in how I use the computer, I always forget until it’s too late.

This week was really good, especially Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. I basically worked continuously with no distractions on those days.

  • 1. I missed this goal a couple weeks ago. However, this was due to the course being crazy hard (my friend who usually gets ~17 minutes in the 5K got ~21 minutes!). I do think I have the physical capability to do a sub-20 5K though.

  • 2. I’m up to 284 miles in total. This is slightly below where I need to be, but I’m not super worried. When cross-country season starts I will really increase my mileage.

  • 4. There’s only 1 really “hard” thing in school left (other than finals) which is happening tomorrow. After that I can basically grind and finish.

Happy New Year everyone!

I spend too much time on wasteof. But of all the places on the internet, this is the only one that is worth coming back to multiple times a day.

Now, I present my goals for 2024. The goals are all specific and quantifiable, so I can measure if I complete them. Here they are:

  1. Run a 5k in under 20 mins by March, under 18 mins by August, and under 16 mins by November

  2. Run over 1500 miles in total

  3. Run a race every month - except January because I can’t find a single convenient race that month.

  4. Finish school early - I’m on track to finish 1-2 weeks early, so I want to keep, if not improve, that lead

  5. Bring the wasteof iOS app to feature parity with wasteof2 by July, and to parity with wasteof4 by November

  6. Do some other big coding project

  7. Read the book of John, taking it slowly through the book - Goal is 3-4 verses per day, John has 879 verses so it should take up the majority of the year

  8. Become (at least) friends with my crush. “Becoming friends” is defined as getting her phone number. I won’t see her until August, though and I barely know her. And I’m the most awkward person ever. We’ll see.

  9. Buy an iPhone 16 Pro Max and Apple Watch Series 10 when they come out.

  10. Get a driver’s license by August - I need 60 hours of driving practice in total, I have about 10 so far. I haven’t been trying though.

  11. Get a job.

  12. Repost this weekly with progress updates on what I’ve done to keep myself accountable.

2023 was the greatest year of my life. 2024 will be even better. Let’s get it.

Jan 1, 2024, 12:14 AM
23 17 47

We won

Going to an NC State women’s basketball game today!

Going to an NC State women’s basketball game today!

Dear wasteof.money Community,

I must come forth with a confession that burdens my conscience. Recent events in our community, including what has been referred to as the "skibidi takeover," were orchestrated by me with a singular goal in mind: to prompt the moderation team to shut down the site, forcing us to step away from our screens and touch grass.

Through the creation of alt accounts and the fabrication of personas like "dertermenter" and "dood," I engineered a narrative designed to sow anger and escalate tensions. The character of "lily" was a pawn in this scheme, employed to worsen conflicts and drive the community towards chaos. I used supporting characters like “radi8”, “raery”, and “duolingo” to boost my plan.

However, despite my careful planning and manipulation, the desired outcome was not achieved. Instead of prompting a shutdown and a much-needed break from our digital realms, the result has been nothing short of a failure.

What's more, I regret to inform you that the repercussions of these events went beyond our virtual realm. Several users have confided in me that the heightened stress and anxiety caused by the turmoil within our community led to unfortunate accidents, including instances of individuals so consumed by the drama that they involuntarily soiled themselves during a math exam.

Going forward, I’m resolved to learn from this experience and seek alternative means to foster positive change within our community. Let us use this moment of reflection to reaffirm our commitment to empathy, understanding, and mutual respect


Oren “The Skibidi Rizzler” Lindsey

Mar 22, 2024, 5:01 PM
34 5 34