why do you look like H&R block

What did you delete

“I am not going to retype that” after my previous comment took a bit longer than it was supposed to, then of course it erased the actual comment that I was trying to make

add 3 random numbers to the end of your username so it looks like a real discrim 😳

i had @pkmnq0245 but i changed it after seeing that the @jeffalo account was previously @jeffalo2


hello, please don’t get this account banned

yeah, this is just a joke

pkmnq is following 109 users, but not me 😏

i am very good at tricking myself into thinking i’ve already followed someone

that’s good! :D

your thing for photo bot didn't work, post again.

check out the library of babel:


Oh yeah I remember that

May I interest you in pkmnq.io?

41 (continuing from oren’s post)

new oren permutation:


has anybody taken the nothings yet

i’m still waiting for @pkmnq to decide if he wants the 256 nothings or not

thats. YOU!!

oh i guess i’ll take the 256 nothings


do you want 256 nothings or do you want to double it and give it to the next person (see the joke here is that i once took a 256 tile from google images and set it as my scratch profile picture)

@pkmnq reposted a deleted post

@thoughts needs to shut up

Right now

hello i remember you

i still exist, just on a different forum that is slowly dying

do you want to witness its death

which forum - scratch forums or wasteof

neither, both of them are doing well

ok technically the scratch forums except it’s not but it was at one point but not when i joined

if you want to witness its death when it inevitably happens


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