
some cool phrase

Nighty morning

I wonder if anyone here is going to recognize the number 2763


i just found it's new host



But before we evolve to such high-quality

@​beemovie @​polygon @​cst1229 @​privacy @​kurzgesagt @​carsvroom @​f4f@​settings @​jiffpatch @​god @​9gr @​haha @​-gyrox- @​leahcimto @​everyone@​dot32 @​ggg @​theawesome98 @​ceebee @​users @​no @​home @​nil@​wasteof.money @​lukemaniastudios @​the @​discord @​admin @​1 @​griffpatch@​you @​s @​snap @​scratch @​k @​h @​g @​f @​e @​d @​c @​b @​a @​insberr@​chatisdead @​spacemonke @​stlcards422 @​yeetbot @​billgatesfan @​i8d@​aspirus @​cheri @​tommyinnit @​cequal @​z @​retronbv @​docs @​itscjab@​nomoreslash @​ieatsweatyjj @​test @​jefallo @​abc @​chiroyce @​lankybox01@​administrator @​dk @​double-slash @​paddler-games @​f4f @​home @​jeff@​pufferfish101007 @​wgyt @​willy @​qns @​k7e @​rens2 @​markverb1 @​7gf6bpn1rf@​biker2000 @​uwu @​jeffalo @​rule

Did you know what it is always a glimmer of hope.

you are falling for french propaganda

Nighty morning

the air is moving significantly slower than i am used to

so how many of you are in ewow

Give a subset of the following set of subsets of set X = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} such that all of its elements are disjoint from each other and the union of all of the elements form set X.

{{a, b, 9}, {b, c, 6}, {c, d, 6}, {d, e, 3}, {a, f, 6}, {b, g, 8}, {c, h, 4}, {d, i, 6}, {e, j, 2}, {f, g, 5}, {g, h, 5}, {h, i, 4}, {i, j, 5}, {f, k, 5}, {g, l, 7}, {h, m, 3}, {i, n, 3}, {j, o, 7}, {k, l, 7}, {l, m, 2}, {m, n, 0}, {n, o, 2}, {k, p, 8}, {l, q, 8}, {m, r, 0}, {n, s, 0}, {o, t, 5}, {p, q, 9}, {q, r, 6}, {r, s, 0}, {s, t, 1}}

Nighty morning

keep him alive, I want him to be the direct cause of someone’s death

I think its time we put him down. /srs

🤣😅 LOL, bruh! that meme was so #relatable, amirite? the #cringe is real when I #fail a test and my parents are gonna #punish me. but hey, it's only a little #awkward, and I got my #homies to keep me #chill. so don't worry, we'll #hashtag #yolo through the #struggle together and #swag it out. #word.

Feb 5, 2024, 7:05 PM
10 1 1

Alright, imagine a glass box about the size of what you could hold with one hand. Not comfortably, but you could still hold it. Now just imagine a tiny fellow inside that box, about as twice as tall as the nail of your thumb. They’re just sitting there on a chair, doing nothing, just making a •⏑• face. Now imagine there’s a sticky note next to the box which reads:

Shake violently!

Nighty morning

I still have the bucket

screenshot this post i want to see how this looks on other devices 𝅙 𝅙
