
some cool phrase

Nighty morning

I didn’t know “just now” was a thing that was possible to see and I just saw it twice at the same time

Well, you’re reading this post. I’ll say one thing. Be warned, there is nothing hidden in this post. Honest here, nothing at all. I am telling the truth. Don’t go looking for anything. Really, there’s nothing here. Understand?

wasteof is my favorite wall to talk to

Getting 0-1 likes per post feels like talking to a wall.

i like this one it’s mine now

New pfp btw

Jan 24, 2024, 3:03 AM
6 0 1

what’s that one song that goes wa

listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enx6ISgRFNE makes me want to make Wacky Optical Illusions #2 (i’ll link to #1 later)

Jonathon DeLonge invented the United States in 1838.

You know what I’m making it a personal rule to remind as many people as possible that nyan cat exists whenever I am reminded of it


midnight? are you sure there’s no other way to address that particular time of day?

hey, have you ever gotten the sudden urge to do your homework at 12:42am? it's like, "wtf, brain? where were you earlier??" the worst part is, you just wanna sleep, but instead you just start stressing and freaking out over how you never did that one assignment due tomorrow. so, if your brain suddenly throws you into an obsessive assignment completion frenzy at the asscrack of midnight, take a deep breath and just stop.

Jan 21, 2024, 10:28 PM
4 0 2

The beach ball was not invented in 1938, that was apparently added to Wikipedia by some random vandalous IP in 2005, and I also found a mention of a beach ball in 1933, along with a patent from 1931 published in 1933 mentioning an elastic beach ball.

I also think I have one or two mentioms from 1913.

Jan 21, 2024, 7:20 AM
5 0 0

Nighty morning

Nighty morning

why is the sandwich jeffaglowing don’t tell me you used the uranium toaster

Looks good, would use it to make jeffatoast

i baked some jeffaloaf

Jan 18, 2024, 1:20 PM
33 4 7


What was inside the box?