
some cool phrase

Somehow I managed to finish this in a single day. If Uncaught InternalError: too much recursion didn’t exist, what would the output of this be?


I’m going to make a successor to this

hey wasteof! I’ve got a challenge for you all, if

function theend(m){return null??![]+!![null]*(!![null??null]+!!null)*(!![void(null)]+!![]??null)+((!![]+!![undefined])*(!![]+!![null??null])*(!![void(!m?.m)]+!![[m]]+!![null/0])-!!!![])**(!![0/0/null]+(!!![undefined]??!![![]])+!![])+((!![![],![],null/0+undefined]+!![void(![m?.m?.m||m])])*-!![![1+null]]*(!!!!!!!![undefined/null]+!![m?.n]*!![undefined/0][!![]*![]]+!![void(void(null)/0)]+!![m?.n?.m]+!![null]&&!![undefined]+!![m][0]+!![undefined]+!!!![null*(void(m)/0)]+(!![void(void(!![]))]+!![m]+!![!![]]+!![[!![]]])*(!![m?.b?.n]+!![null?.class??![]]+!![![]&&![]]+!![null||void(m?.b)]))??(!![void(n)/null]+!![![null]]||![])*(!![null]+!![0/0]+!![void(undefined)])+(!![0/null]+!![!!![null]+undefined]))-(!null*![]??null+!![void(!null)]+!![])+(-!-!null+!![undefined/0]+!null+(!![null]+!undefined)*-!![![]-!null])-3-((!![!null]+!null+!void(undefined))*(!![!!null/0]*!null+!![0/3+m]+!null+!![!![null]??!null]))+(-![]-!null)};console.log(theend(!!null/0))

is run, what will the console display? (try to figure it out without running it, jk please don’t put yourself through that sort of pain)

Nov 21, 2023, 6:07 PM
6 2 25
Dec 5, 2023, 11:12 AM
4 1 2

I’m going to make a successor to this

hey wasteof! I’ve got a challenge for you all, if

function theend(m){return null??![]+!![null]*(!![null??null]+!!null)*(!![void(null)]+!![]??null)+((!![]+!![undefined])*(!![]+!![null??null])*(!![void(!m?.m)]+!![[m]]+!![null/0])-!!!![])**(!![0/0/null]+(!!![undefined]??!![![]])+!![])+((!![![],![],null/0+undefined]+!![void(![m?.m?.m||m])])*-!![![1+null]]*(!!!!!!!![undefined/null]+!![m?.n]*!![undefined/0][!![]*![]]+!![void(void(null)/0)]+!![m?.n?.m]+!![null]&&!![undefined]+!![m][0]+!![undefined]+!!!![null*(void(m)/0)]+(!![void(void(!![]))]+!![m]+!![!![]]+!![[!![]]])*(!![m?.b?.n]+!![null?.class??![]]+!![![]&&![]]+!![null||void(m?.b)]))??(!![void(n)/null]+!![![null]]||![])*(!![null]+!![0/0]+!![void(undefined)])+(!![0/null]+!![!!![null]+undefined]))-(!null*![]??null+!![void(!null)]+!![])+(-!-!null+!![undefined/0]+!null+(!![null]+!undefined)*-!![![]-!null])-3-((!![!null]+!null+!void(undefined))*(!![!!null/0]*!null+!![0/3+m]+!null+!![!![null]??!null]))+(-![]-!null)};console.log(theend(!!null/0))

is run, what will the console display? (try to figure it out without running it, jk please don’t put yourself through that sort of pain)

Nov 21, 2023, 6:07 PM
6 2 25

I will empirically test this advice

Do NOT eat lithium ion batteries

508 Loop Detected

(i don’t have the actual Infinite Loop screen but I do have this)

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

412 Precondition Failed

412 Precondition Failed

Nighty morning

Nighty morning

wasteof tries to form many sentences

instead of replying to the main post, you instead reply to another reply with the word you want to continue with

wasteof tries to form a sentence

exactly what it sounds like.

under this post, comment a word to add to the sentence

end the sentence by adding a full stop, question mark, exclamation mark, or interrobang to your word.

whenever somebody ends the sentence, i’ll repost this post with the sentence that was formed (since im not making a bot for this)

Nighty morning

Nighty morning

Nighty morning

(not useful to have year categories for future years (even if you think an esolang will be created in a given year, you can't be sure))

do people here do the thing? you know, that thing that some people that do things do? people that do things? the things that everyone knows that people that do things will do? everyone knows what I’m talking about, right? the things?

do people here just happy to… um… reject education?