
some cool phrase

i found this old screenshot of an old forum post i made

Day %d of using Windows 11:

Typing suddenly stopped working in the middle of a quiz. It wasn’t the keyboard, since Ctrl+A worked, it was just A. I had to open settings and use the on-screen keyboard to finish the quiz. No weird square thing to indicate whatever I switched on. No indicator on the taskbar to show that “oh you have (accessibility feature) turned on!” I restarted my computer and it magically started working again.


Mar 15, 2023, 11:38 PM
0 0 2



@wynd repost this and make me the most popular alt

“mb” stands for meatball

hi i am the main account


@wynd repost this and make me the most popular alt


nde mgc hdl rgcmfvqht mho rzqhiqht pmhemzzn

mzsd nde zdsf fvc tmpc

How many games are there where you fight a clock in the literal sense

I only know of one but I want to know if there are any other ones

In case of accident by inhalation: remove casualty to fresh air and keep at rest.

i have a lighting mcqueen balloon

advice: be advised

nighty morning

nighty morning

tip: mark all of your messages unread

what’s 999 + 1

does wasteof have posts in it