
some cool phrase

Nighty morning




nighty morning

Achieved oren permutations (7 of 24):

Mar 3, 2023, 2:36 PM
9 2 16

well that was quick

day 1 of asking @oren to change his username to @oern

day 1 of asking @oren to change his username to @oern

Can someone do this but for beta

I want to see how it would look

Technetium works surprisingly well with the wasteof font

This is just the navbar though, I’m sure it’ll start to look worse when I do the rest of the site

Feb 28, 2023, 12:27 PM
2 1 2

I find arrows weird. How do we all universally know that it points where it does? I don’t remember being explicitly taught about that.

how many nighty mornings have we missed

Technetium works surprisingly well with the wasteof font

This is just the navbar though, I’m sure it’ll start to look worse when I do the rest of the site

Feb 28, 2023, 12:27 PM
2 1 2

Comment using only already-existing wasteof posts

An example conversation could be:

Tomorrow is splatoon day yipeee




don’t care didn’t ask


(too lazy to type, click the link)


Basically that except don’t be too lazy to type

@lily i think i see what you mean by “reposting is for sharing posts” now

one time my grandpa lived on an island and ate squirrels. i should carry on his legacy I think

apply quine that doesnt work on 37th call

Why is this in my search history


For future reference, here are the official nighty morning rules from its original source. This has not been modified in any manner other than adding the wasteof quotes.

Nighty Morning Rule Book

1. Nighty Morning starts strictly at 12am, but you can start at a minimum of 11:55 pm if needed.

2. Nighty morning shall end at 3:59 am. This is to avoid an exploit where people who wake up early at around 4:30 am can still say nighty morning

3. Nighty morning can be said in other languages, given it still means “nighty morning”.

Further additions will be implemented soon.

Rule 3 is a lot more lenient than it looks. Here are a few examples:

  • A wordle starting with “night” and “mourn”

  • Someone typo’d “nighty” as “minty”, leading to “toothpaste morning”

  • The 🌙 emoji and “cheese bananas” both also mean nighty morning