
#freelily |​| pfp drawn by @marlolikesfrogs |​| she/her

Pinned post time 📌

Haiiiiiiiii :3 im Melody (i wonder how long it will take for someone to notice this change)

I like playing video games, I have a a hacked wii and 3Ds and a vanilla switch, if you want friend codes lmk. My favourite games are portal, splatoon and Pokémon

I’m also a “coder” who kinda understands what she’s doing.

the me????

  • i do the technology and hacking and shit (even though i could never hack anything myself without a guide)

  • cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but I’m allergic)

  • kinda stupid

  • im girl

Contact me at:

My beta sidebar (rip beta)



Feb 20, 2023, 2:23 PM
8 0 26


Burg-fil-o, only open on sundays

Burg-fil-o gang

Does anyone play CTGP 7? I do but the online lobbies never have anyone on them

Mfw I have a softmodded 2ds now

True true

Happy April Fool's Day!

Login in in progress

-captive wifi network

ratio + bozo + l + didn’t ask+ mofo + who asked + not interesting + you were never involved + i am going to send anti-mifernite to your postal code

ratio + bozo + l + didn’t ask+ mofo + who asked + not interesting + i am going to send tickets to your postal code


eat ratio child


Ratio if you see this (and I know you will) try and ratio me

Aug 30, 2022, 6:45 PM
8 1 0


eat ratio child


Ratio if you see this (and I know you will) try and ratio me

Aug 30, 2022, 6:45 PM
8 1 0


Something else, the arg where you can write the story! Looking for members and mods.


Ratio if you see this (and I know you will) try and ratio me

Aug 30, 2022, 6:45 PM
8 1 0

Can some webdev people help me? I just need a simple form that has two text inputs and sends the results as a POST request to a url

once my friend got a “NYA” on his assignment

Edit: NYA is “not yet achieved” idk why you guys are replying “😳” and such

Aug 25, 2022, 8:36 AM
8 0 7

Religion is not an excuse for discrimination

Edit: like this post if you think genshin impact is a good game kidding kidding

Aug 23, 2022, 5:38 PM
25 10 7