
#freelily |​| pfp drawn by @marlolikesfrogs |​| she/her

Pinned post time 📌

Haiiiiiiiii :3 im Melody (i wonder how long it will take for someone to notice this change)

I like playing video games, I have a a hacked wii and 3Ds and a vanilla switch, if you want friend codes lmk. My favourite games are portal, splatoon and Pokémon

I’m also a “coder” who kinda understands what she’s doing.

the me????

  • i do the technology and hacking and shit (even though i could never hack anything myself without a guide)

  • cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but I’m allergic)

  • kinda stupid

  • im girl

Contact me at:

My beta sidebar (rip beta)



Feb 20, 2023, 2:23 PM
8 0 26

Bruh aris Userscript was supposed to come out today

I just realised I have the original Oof sound backed up!

Ari what did you do this time smh my head

If scratch team dealt with this they’d disable accounts

if anyone notices that around 4 hours worth of data is missing, then you’re right. i had to restore a stale backup of the database because i didn’t want to deal with cleaning up a spam attack (140 individual accounts)

sorry about that.

The new roblox death sound sounds like a flash game from the early 2000’s

Guys wasteof 3’s css just broke

So I’m curious

Does anyone actually use matrix here?

Quick! Someone with money register that domain!

i’m working on something in javascript that uses apis, and every time i try to use that api it doesn’t work and throws the error that looks like Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://coolapi.thing.

can someone help me plz

guys stop repost chaining

Lego mario is coming

C’mon now, these squids are totally gay /nc

I am a bit skeptical about @ari leaving wasteof, she’d been really active and had just announced that google drive thing.

Also, the 404 page has no title bar (on beta)?! Sus

Aug 13, 2022, 10:09 AM
2 0 1

Rip @ari 😔

One like = one dislike of “one like = x posts”

Aug 12, 2022, 8:07 PM
8 0 5