
The Tumblr sexyman in the basement

Things I found in the alleyway behind my house episode 2: tv thing

Things I found in the alleyway behind my house episode 1: microwave

Hello there

@wynd or @pkmnq which one do i put here did i misunderstand the instructions also it’s not 11 pm and utc+8 is the only timezone that exists so you are wrong

@polygon says bye bye

@wynd says hi

Jun 25, 2023, 3:33 AM
4 1 1
Jun 25, 2023, 4:10 AM
3 1 0

Lol I say this as betas down

Yoo cool dots! (Too bad i’ll never see them as I primarily use beta)

Yoo cool dots! (Too bad i’ll never see them as I primarily use beta)


bruh pop music is so mid how do y’all listen to that stuff

Yoo same

shit just got called for jury duty on the Owen vs Dert case

happy wasteof day!!!

Apparently my friend group is starting a podcast and I got in without them talking about it lol

Had the most epic thunderstorm last night, it was non stop lightning and thunder right over us at some points

Maths is red

Science is green

English is blue

History is yellow/Orange

Math is red

Science is green

Ela is yellow/orange

History is blue

Spanish is whatever is left over

math is red

science is orange

english is blue

social studies history geo is green

french is yellow

Science is yellow

History is green

Ela is blue

Math is red

Jun 2, 2023, 10:33 PM
3 0 0

The new Foo Fighters album just dropped! There are a few fast songs, but its a nice slow rock album.