$send ee 5

$send radi8 10

$send non-biased-news 10

Signed Up!

how to send to hot female twitch streamer

i need to donate all my money to pokimane the queen


Could You have her join wasteof lol?

She needs to have a wasteof account

See more replies

$admin give radi8 0

$send wombucks 1

That user doesn't exist :(

$send ee 100

You can't send WomBucks to yourself!


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

Your balance is 300 WomBucks.
Your balance is 114 WomBucks.

This is the pinnacle of troubleshooting

that comment was written by a human

I wrote that comment. Not that the bot is alive

$send twyx 36

Signed Up!
Your balance is 150 WomBucks.


$help: prints all commands

$join: makes an account

$bal: gets your current balance

$send [username] [ammount]: sends the requested user the requested ammount of WomBucks

$admin give useless 01010

You aren't an admin!
You aren't an admin!
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