
chat, fact check this statement

test (if this works thats neat)

[email protected]

now do that in reverse :D

just got snapchat

It's impossible for a computer to generate a truly random number, only psudorandom… think about that for a second.

The real question is if humans can…

i’m just saying, poll posts would be a neat feature, might make people do the “like to agree” thing less.

[] agree
[] disagree
[] this poll is a scam

since jeffalo was the first person to make a post, we should credit jeffalo whenever making a post

credit to jeffalo for making the first post

you know what i’m going to say already, rip

quotes from this morning

“launder cash through an overpriced car wash”

“you know it’s expensive when your lemonade stand is costing more than everything else”

Sep 8, 2022, 12:10 PM
6 0 2

im in a love or hate relationship with the CORS policy, its intentions are good, but it’s easily bypassed so it ends up just confusing new developers and annoying everyone else.

Sep 6, 2022, 10:39 PM
6 0 7

the fyarsnek has been summoned…

it’s so hard to tell nowadays if when someone has an nft as a pfp, if it’s as a joke, or if someone actually spent money on that garbage. At least they are dying down :)))

According to wasteof statistics, I should go back to posting daily

if a lock is unlockable is it unable to be locked, or able to be unlocked