
chat, fact check this statement

I don’t know what’s gonna take longer, the library or the docs lol. Ig I haven’t started the docs yet so we shall see.

Close enough isn’t close enough

close enough

too much? Oh and also static api thing exists with Comment.fetch(id). The biggest problem rn is the duplication of wall and poster, any ideas. It doesn’t fetch twice at least

Only 2 more days of finals, at least I know I did well on my science final. Hopefully I did well on history, we shall see. Also I’m introducing the wynd underrated user thing™️ where I post underrated users, this isn’t gonna be like a thing I do every x amount of time though, it’s whenever I see a user with funny posts

Underrated user: @gryffin

‮erehwemos ti etsap dna txet siht ypoc

Hi board, I’m wynd 💀

I'm board

Let’s go, there’s a rules page!!

How long has this existed? Idk


mfw @jeffalo subreddit exists (I’m not even a redditor, it just appears when you search jeffalo xD)

Oh wow I’m 14 away from 200, that’s rad y’all


Snazzy ( also should stats be in User.stats, User.profile [shown here], or User.profile.stats)

User {
  name: 'user',
  id: '62abb9b99568ece5f36aaa30',
  profile: {
    bio: 'im a wasteof user yay',
    links: [],
    color: 'indigo'
  stats: {
    followers: 0,
    following: 0,
    posts: 0,
    comments: 0
  sidebar: [{ type: "StatsBlock", data: { title: "stats" } }],
  flags: [ 'beta', 'verified' ],
  online: true
Jun 16, 2022, 11:16 PM
5 1 3

Edit: alright ECMAScript Modules it is :D

should my library be common js or a module (this is gonna be an npm package)

aka should it beconst { Client } = require('libraryname')

or import { Client } from 'libraryname'

Jun 16, 2022, 10:10 PM
3 0 7


I bet you guys can't make a sentence without using the letters "a" or "y"!

If you port wasteof to smart fridge, +300 social credit