wynd's avatar

Beta tester Verified


“Joined last year“ :D

Is it just me or are hypocrites so annoying. I hate hypocrites.

¾ top users start with w. What does this mean 👀

Hey uh @lankybox01 sorry about that

If you don’t know what I’ve done: https://lankybox02.github.io/bundle/view.html#55

Edit: we are now in a view war, everyone viewbot this:



May 30, 2022, 12:22 AM
6 0 4

bass.wav > bass.ed > bas.ed > based

That’s based

You’re welcome [ wo3 mention’s underline is slightly higher than the text :) ]

@jeffalo please add a cooldown between sending a message for following, because @fooooooolower just followed and unfollowed me 345 times. Maybe you get the message every 5 minutes or something, because people can just auto click the follow button to generate tons of messages 

ok, bet, this is all botted

Thank goodness for the beta clear all messages button

May 25, 2022, 2:27 PM
6 0 3

Aight I’ll invest 3 thousand dollars. I can’t wait for this.


Invest in wasteof Music today!

Repost this saying how much cold hard cash you will give me

All of the money goes towards this, trust me :)

oh and also, does anyone know a place I can buy cheese in bulk perchance?

May 23, 2022, 10:40 PM
9 2 3

Just to make it clear, my accounts are all at https://resite.link/wynd or connected in an alt list like the one in wo3

I forgot my password to this account, does anyone know it?

Yooo congrats @willy 🎉




May 21, 2022, 5:19 PM
8 4 5

woah “Joined last year“ is now a thing