wynd's avatar

Beta tester Verified


@anonymous mentioned you in a deleted post :(

Aww thanks hexi thats the nicest think you’ve ever said

I farnswer't aptimings asibletter overincalch tog trou undespecess

Trou glooble arie sedaints


I was told to “retweet“ this

Hey, Joe Biden here. Glad to make my official Debut here on Watte Of Money!

fun fact: I’m 38 followers behind the official wasteof account. I find that funny lol.

Ayyy congrats jeffalo that’s epic

thanks for 400 followers! @polaris was 400th!

let’s goooo 700 following, that’s still not even half the platform but that’s pretty decent

May 12, 2022, 10:26 AM
3 0 1

@david is actually hacking me rn

all of wasteof’s background images got set to his pfp

alright, so I’m now 90% sure the beta about button shows the last person who clicked it. this is an interesting experiment @jeffalo

for non beta:

the [+] and [-] have a click animation then grow and shrink the button, it also said jeffalo the first time i saw it, so it might say the last user who pressed it, or jeffalo is the default and it needs a second to update.

there’s a weird button in the wasteof.money beta about page…

May 11, 2022, 11:46 AM
5 1 2

hypothetical: wasteof just got a data reset where all followers are reset.

who do you think would become most followed again (and why)?


1732 intensifies

edit: apparently thats the user count, thats epic

May 10, 2022, 9:53 PM
4 0 6

wasteof should have a frog endpoint

May 7, 2022, 9:43 PM
5 0 0

The post pagination on my profile has gone to a new line lol (on mobile)