
I'm zu :]

Hit it hard

The sink in my hotel room drips. It doesnt stop. It just slowly drips. I am not going to fall asleep tonight.

imma make a music

good appel

Summerrrrhrugeugvoayc YC 🏫 hguwvph

im about to be off to my graduation on a hot day in a huge room with no air conditioning for at least 3 hours and then the after party (I will probably not stay at the party for long lol)

wish me the luckiness

“when”  📸🤨

wasteof money gonna be the #1 social media when the cloudflare intern trips over the internet cable

Jun 21, 2022, 10:36 PM
5 0 0

I know I keep leaking things (kinda)

Idk if this was already a thing but


Jun 21, 2022, 11:13 AM
7 0 3

jeffalo just said “I dont really want bots in walls that being said, a native feature could be interesting”

possible native bot thing soon?

this is the funniest thing ive seen on wasteof in a while

"Our new editor can even come straight out of your screen!"

we’re working on an expandable editor

Me when it's hot outside.

New pfp soon (optimized version of current)


Will there be

/Chat in wom3

That moment when all of a brand new accounts post have more than its follower count


Not naming names