
I'm zu :]

Me when jeffalo posts the same thing twice two minutes apart


leaked footage of @jeffalo on twitter!!1!1111!111!1!11111


Same I think

7 days until i am officially done with 8th grade

Guys I just got this virus I think Called otnolatrnup anyone got any info? What should I do

Edit: I deleted the exe file but is it ok now

Jun 15, 2022, 12:24 AM
5 0 6

I'm board

Guys rirurin is a temporary moderator

Jeffalo says announcement soon

Possible mod applications??

Yo @david I found another hacker man


Seriously though

I know I started this whole asking for likes / reposts thing, but it's getting extremely annoying and so many posts I see on my home page are just asking for likes

I did it once and realized my mistake.

If you're still doing it please stop.

YAY VERIFIED thx jeffalo and David :)

Yall should follow @og if you aren’t

Do it right now.

I’ll figure something out later

follow @didi they have become epic

someone make me famous

YOOOOOOO 100 @terraria (@og) WAS 100TH! tysm