Wasteof.money link archive! Comment if you know one



A secret way to post images that might get you banned so don't do it.

Ohhh niceeee, i’m gonna try it :P

tbh I have tried before but didn't work. I’ll check again

Even though it's a valid user page

Oh yeah I forgot

also /rules

dev.wasteof worked for beta? Or wateof 1?

It was like beta wasteof2, I don’t think it was wo1 though

Oh ok thanks

Jeffalo said that this website and that one aren’t related to each other :P still good one

Jeffalo created both though, so that’s a relation

There are 2 different kinds of 404 pages: https://wasteof.money/users/ehjwhbsj is user not found, and https://wasteof.money/user/banned is page not found

Never thought of adding this