As you all probably know, I’ve been IP banned from Scratch. This is the official thread for any ban-related comments, whether that be a question about the current status of my appeal, an update on ban policy I should know about, or anything else related to my ban.


You too are banned? I’m banned too since 10june 2021 and I dont get any responses from ST, I don’t even get the autoresponse.. idk what's happening :(

BTW u can use VPN right? I’m permanent block so I cant

I’m finally unbanned :D

How?? They contacted you????

You are back :)

BROO YOU’RE BACK!?!?! Congo rats indeed!!! So you’re only allowed to have one account now? Yikes - and how did you get unbanned?

ah yes the congo rats i haven’t heard that in quite a while

indeed :)

@micahlt Any info on the ban yet? Tomorrow is the six month anniversary of me getting banned and I’m really starting to miss Scratch

Nope - never got a response. Previously I had fairly good relationships with Za-Chary and Paddle2see, but neither of them are on the ST anymore so I’m really not sure to ask.

paddle2see is still on st afaik

Here you are! Doesn’t seem super helpful to me, but we’ll see!

This does help, but I’ve already reached out multiple times to Contact Us and there has been no response, not even the bot response that lets me know that my message was received.

How many times have you emailed them? And when was the most recent time? Also, is it the email connected to your Scratch account? And just to check - have you tried logging in recently?

I've emailed them three times. The most recent was probably a month ago. The email is the one I have linked to Scratch, and I just tried logging in and it still doesn't work.

Dang - well I guess you could try to reach out once more, and if they don't respond then I'll organize some people to send ST like twenty emails on your behalf. They can't ignore us all >:(

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if you click jeffalo’s button 69 times 

Why were you banned

I was banned for using profanity on multiple occasions and mentioning Discord.


The Filterbot is broken atm so you can say discord