the scratch team straight up removed comments to solve the filter issue


What’s going on with the filter? I saw a thread on the Scratch forums seemingly showing that words usually filtered now aren’t filtered.

The filter was not working somehow and you could post comments, make forum posts, and register usernames that usually weren't allowed. Its back up now though

Ah okay, thanks for the info 👍

They’re still there for me?

the issue has since been solved

It was their smartest choice, considering the fact the filter was actually deleted. It would take way too long to restore it in comparison to just using a 403.

Wait, it was deleted!? How?

how do you know this

where did you get the idea it was deleted?

Because suddenly, the filter admin panel started returning an error instead of showing a login page

What filter admin panel shows a cleanspeak login page usually.

they stopped using that

See more replies

Thought this was some joke! What issue was there?

the forums are gone too btw

filter broke, essentially

What the heck, how is that a thing

Pretty much