i love google

disclaimer: i am an investor in google


real donald trump here, google is good.

google stock go down. LOL

I disagree

disclaimer: I use only mostly free software

google search engine: ok i guess

chrome: it should die

google’s data collection: IT IS S#(*!

tor good chrome bad

Google as a company is acceptable; Chrome is not.

Chrome OS is just a glorified web browser

it's still incredibly fast and works great for schools who need inexpensive google docs machines

google sucks

I love duckduckgo, it is superior


my school blocks it tho

dispute it

dispute the block

“ddg is useful for learning as it is a search engine”

there is usually an email on block pages

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didn’t you get invited to googles offices

he was brainwashed (this is why willy is not banned)

yes. then i found a bug in google. then i used the money i got for finding the bug to buy google stock

clarification: i wasn’t invited, my parents signed me up to a workshop thing