four. big. guys.

try posting the above sentence in a new post (you WILL get banned, i am NOT responsible for it)

Aug 5, 2022, 9:43 AM
10 2 24


i like f*ur b*g g*ys 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

@jeffalo bnan this usr

There should be a mute system instead, like scratch.

Is it like censored or what?

yeah it will ban you instantly

Why should this even work? Blacklisted for some reason?

Oh man… I saw that screenshot

what screenshot

Wasteof's code to autoban people.

If that line is anywhere in a post, you will get banned. Chiroyce got away because he edited and wrote it.

wonder how many followers have been gained from this

For. Bg. Gyus.

no no no you missed an i and misspelt guys

For. Big. Guys. I fixed everything you told me to fix.

oh no i forgor the u

no chiroyce!111

What happens when you do this 😳

you get 300 extra phollowrs!!1! :confetti: :tada: :yay: :totallyNotAscam:

you get banned

because one of jeffalo’s friends kept pasting a copypasta and he got tired of finding the new account and banning it so he did this approach instead

Fair enough

yes wuilly!!!1!