jeffalo shared this on Discord, so I think it’s ok to share here, very sad moment

Nov 5, 2022, 9:40 AM
28 13 16


if it shuts down, i hope there's an archive at least :(

maybe the ownership of the site could go to someone else well trusted if jeffalo cant deal with it

wait a second i am do dumb!!!!! 😭😭😭 random reposts bot reposted this and i thought it was recent im so sorry

The update could have been a repost, I just saw it now when I was browsing through random stuff

True, I'll do that

I have edited my post to contain that link at the top

@jeffalo just go ST style and mute everyone trying to say “pls verify“ /j (actually don´t we can´t lose another site to ST-like moderation)

i dont want wasteof to end. i met many cool people and made some friends on this site. it will be sad to see it go

maybe i can pull an elon musk

minus the elon musk part

maybe i can pull an

yes, best move: Just Do Nothing At All(tm)

I can totally understand. was originally meant to be a fun coding project, not a part-time job as a moderator. It's very sad but it does make sense