oh so I’m the one constantly bashing Oren now? I rarely even interact with him.

that repost was supposed to be a funny. I don’t even know what “ratioing“ means lol

honestly though, what does it mean to ratio???

You are the one who should get ratiod for constantly bashing him - this post has a good message at the end that we need to take into account more.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with the first part of the post, if you dislike someone then why follow them, not being in an echo chamber and instead being in an environment where people can/will disagree with you is the best way for people to improve rather than being surrounded by yes men that agree with all your takes.

I’ve put myself in that environment for my whole internet life and it has taught me valuable lessons from mistakes that people in echo chambers may not have.


I don't think it's a good idea to unfollow people you don't like. You shouldn't stay in an echo chamber all the time.


why would you ratio when you don’t know what it means? It just seemed like you were apart of the community that bashed him for every action he did, including the ones that aren’t problematic. See my retweet on my thoughts on this post.

why are you using twitter terms on wasteof lol

the proper term would be “repost” or “recycle“

does it matter?

h = chair

I’m not a magician mate, can’t work wonders with that reply

hey uh could you just stop replying to me

See more replies

you weren't the one doing it

its been resolved, dertermenter understands the whole situation better now i think

ratio-ing is like when a repost/reply gets more likes than the original post, or when the origianl post has more comments on it than likes - it’s usually seen on twitter when people post distasteful things

thank you for explaining this to me 🙏❤

yeeee np :)