yesterday was wasteof2’s 2 year birthday. hooray!


wasteof is 2 days older than me


this site has actually changed me,

and i’ve made many friends :)

Is this from the date you started working on wasteof2? Because I thought wasteof2 came out around June/July 2021

its the date that @jeffalo was made in my test db. so more or less yeah

how many accounts do you have within your test db?

I also find it kind of crazy that you’ve kept the same test db for so long

just a few. i think i have actually dropped the test db on occasion. so it might actually be even older. first released 50 years ago 🤯

hapy boorthday

crazy to think that I was there when wasteof first came into existence

rens is the 2 in your username the age

yeah I wanted to do something special for wasteof’s anniversary

happy belated birthday !

yoooo wasteof2 is a toddler (i think) :D