We were chatting again today, and he also showed off some evidence that absolutely convinced me. There was no way it could be him, but I have no way of sharing it with you guys, and I doubt you'd believe it anyway.

If anyone still has doubts that Oren didn't do it, just read my last post, lol. It's not fun explaining the same things over and over again.


no one’s saying he did anymore, pretty sure everyone believes you. Seems like a child constantly saying they didn’t do it, but whatever. Jeffalo has already stated he’s made the final decision so that’s that.

“Jeffalo has already stated he’s made the final decision so that’s that.” Didn’t @jeffalo say he’s looking into it again though after the IP could’ve been replit?

Yeah, I don't recall him ever saying that this was the final decision. Also that isn't going to prevent him from changing his mind anyway.

I honestly can’t remember

Now before someone says “um aksully hes been starting too much controversy” He started like 2 controversies months ago that didn’t even need to become controversies. The people who take little things and blow them up into something huge are the real offenders tbh.

What are these?

A screenshot of his iOS Screen Time, displaying the day of the event, and he also mentioned that his Github account hadn't been active during that time

What does GitHub have to do with it? (I'm beginning to trust that he didn't do it.) Just wondering.

If the website was spammed, it was probably done through a program to automatically spam it. He also showed that his replit account didn't have any new repositories created, and that's what some suspected was the source of the spam.