I wish lily wasn’t gone, they may have been somewhat controversial but they were also pretty fun, this site feels kinda boring rn


I can't remember what they did other than controversies

Agreed, and that’s why I don’t want her to come back, even if she made the site interesting.

That’s like me saying I don’t remember anything oren did except for controversies lol

Oren is cool and no where near as problematic, lily was just annoying imo.

Oren also has better posts

lol both oren and lily have 100+ pages of posts, and you’re saying that everything that lily did was controversial? She must have posted 1050 controversial posts 🤷‍♂️

No, I’m saying that lily did nothing memorable other than post controversial stuff - not the case for oren

lily did several things other than be controversial stop being a piss boy

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how were oren’s posts “memorable”? That just depends on how often you read someone’s post and whether you personally care about their posts???

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Honestly same.

I hope wasteof is still gaining more users then it loses

It is gaining and losing users at the same rate the solar system gains and loses planets

2 losses? As in Ceres and Pluto?