alright i want to hear the public’s opinion, what’s the best:

  1. way to make a restapi

  2. database

  3. frontend framework (oh brother)

  4. code editor

  5. flavor of skittles


  1. don’t care 2. i forgot 3. yap yap yap 4. NOTEPAD++ 🙌🙌 5. red


  1. Python/Flask

  2. IDK but I use Python library LocalSimpleDatabase because I only make Scratch things that don’t require any security

  3. uhhh I don’t know any so HTML and CSS lol

  4. Replit for anything web-related, otherwise VSCode

  5. Green

green skittles ftw 😎

  1. never tried

  2. only ever had experience with mysql and it’s meh

  3. plain html+js+css

  4. vscode or geany

  5. the red ones

5. Yellow

4. vscode

1: svelteKit 2: Mongodb 3: svelte 4: vscode 5: bruh

actually real

  1. I don’t know what that is

  2. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

  3. ┐(´ー`)┌

  4. visual studio, notepad ++ works well too

  5. all of them at once

your response to 5 is actually based

  1. fastapi (or the server framework I'm writing)

  2. MongoDB

  3. html

  4. either vscodium, nano, or vi

  5. orange

whats the server framework you are writing?

badserver, it's written in python sockets