My programming professor just told us not to use Stackoverflow. I legitimately don’t know how she doesn’t understand that even professional devs use forums like SO to find solutions to problems.


Okay, so ChatGPT it is!

…not to use StackOverflow to ask problems… (?)

are they teaching algorithms? or something where the goal is for you to derive the code on your own?

Did she mention any reasoning?

Will she fix the bugs for everyone? Might be for people who just go straight to stack overflow without thinking of an approach themselves but imposing it on everyone is not fair

have fun only writing hello world and randomiser programs

Fr this is all I remember from school; frankly, think it’s all I learned…ehh you get the idea (js/py)

console.log(“hello world…”)

screams of "you won't always have a calculator in your pocket" vibes lol

what would you use instead... books?

lmao why not use stackoverflow?

no clue dude