I don’t like MrBeast’s videos, the editing is so fast and rapid it feels overwhelming. Everything is cut so much that it feels like it’s just fighting to keep you from clicking off to something else, rather than actually entertaining you. And while the scale of many of his videos are impressive it feels corporate in a lot of ways, I’ve seen plenty of TV shows that use similar styles of presentation, all glitz and glamour with not much personality or substance.


yeah, I would prefer the videos would be longer and not cut up so much. I love mrbeast videos but show us the whole story!

that millions of dollars had to come from somewhere

very true

very true, but i watch anyway. the channel as a whole does so much good for charities or random people, so i’ll watch in order to help keep the cycle of generosity going. my view gives him money that he in turn gives away to people who need it, so i’ll more than gladly put up with content that’s clickbait and attention-grabbing if it means it’ll contribute to good further down the line

fair enough. for me i just can’t bring myself to watch it, i just can’t really handle all the shouty-ness and over done editing. for me i feel like a lot of the videos are done an injustice since they are cut down so much when it would actually be more interesting to hear or see more genuine moments rather than just what gets the highest amount of engagement. and yeah the fact he does stuff for charity is nice and all but i feel a lot of others use it as a cop out for legit criticism levelled at him. and while not directly his fault i feel mrbeasts success has resulted in tons of other channels copying his editing and presentation exactly, making it worse and not doing it at all for any good cause, like one dude did a video where he went to a third world country as a “challenge”, tried to film in an orphanage for better “content” and its somehow all ok because he donated some money to a poor village. like again i know this isn’t mrbeasts fault it does feel like he is indirectly influenced a lot of bad content in his style because he’s so popular.

the jokes/humor is also so bad lol. (i guess it’s also targeted at children though)

its for general audiences, so there isn’t really much you can do about that. my main issue is the editing is near enough headache inducing and at least for me annoying

glad somebody else agrees - its content engineered to manipulate your brain, not entertain

it is strange how the content engineered to manipulate your brain is mostly blowing stuff up and destroying cars lol

same here lol, i genuinely sometimes feel that its taboo to express dislike for mrbeasts content in some circles just because he does stuff for charity

very true