Come on y’all. Is it really that hard to be kind to Blaze?


Blaze isn’t very nice to us

Yeah but their website is so comical, it’s almost like it’s satire. I mean, like why wix??

Well, it's kind of hard to ignore that Blaze was being mean to the entire community…

Plus I stopped ratio-ing them (since that's a bit foolish)

It only makes things worse

balze has actually said some pretty mean things to me and other people so i don't see why i should be overly kind. 🤷‍♂️

Just because someone is being mean to you doesn’t give you license to be mean in return. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

In responding to rudeness, you should try to bring peace to the argument. Don’t always be trying to get revenge.

i’m not being mean, but i’m just saying i’m not gonna pretend that i like them. i haven’t actually ratio-ed them or anything but i’ve been actually very nice and constructive (and even suggested other no-code website builders they could use that would be better). but they were incredibly rude to me. i think most people that have reposted them have been contructive or offered general questions about hteir service/model.

You don’t have to pretend that you like them. Just keep acting kind in response and maybe they’ll realize what a jerk they’re being. Even if they don’t, it’s the right thing to do.

i just started ignoring them 🤷‍♂️

respect is earnt, not demanded and facts > feelings

That’s not a very good way to live though in general, if you’re constantly forcing everyone to earn your respect.

Loving people unconditionally is the right way to live.

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I’ve tried to keep all of my comments civil or at the very least light-hearted, I also said in my Auriali post not to harass them, I’m not for any bullying of the owner of Blaze - only light-hearted memes and genuine critique

If there was anything positive to say about it, it wouldn't be

That’s not an excuse

they haven’t been very nice to us, and they haven’t backed down at all and are acting very egotistical

and don’t act like you’re above this either, I saw you ragging on them for using wix too

I’m not saying we should be unkind, but they are being kind of obnoxious

I wasn’t ragging on them, I said for better or for worse coders (which most of us are) don’t like Wix and other templated site builders.

Also, just because they’re not nice to us doesn’t give us license to be unkind in response. And, they didn’t even start it in the first place. Someone ratioed them for using Wix which started the whole thing.

This has been going on for longer on Meower.

At this point just ignore him then. No need to stir the pot by arguing more.