nyc photography attempts:

if this gets over 10 likes or 3 reposts then i will do anything you guys want


@mef said “I want you to bite someone.”

okay! why else do we have siblings?! (i’m the youngest out of 4 brothers)

i bit not one, but all three of my older brothers!!

they were like wtf and then slapped/punched/tackled me.

so yeah i’m not doing that again because the icu costs a lot in the u.s.

@minikiwigeek2 said “take a picture of the unisphere”

i’m not going over to take another photo but i’ll upload one here that i took a few years ago soon.

don’t worry everyone’s requests will be answered!!!

Apr 7, 2024, 6:45 PM
28 8 13


get a 1TB Kingston NV2 NVMe SSD from Amazon for your laptop and install it by yourself or get yourself a pizza and enjoy it

make an account like “nyc" but that’s just “y” (york)

if i’m allowed to make double requests, watch homestar runner strong bad email 58

…and write one paragraph containing your thoughts on the matter.

Say “Elaruu is the best” 420 times

rizz someone up

yes…the cricket plan will continue

ok i got an idea that won’t cause any problems to my knowledge:

take a picture of the unisphere?

Climb up to the top of the empire state building and take a photo! It’ll be a nice thing to do

man think he king kong

I think you may have made a critical blunder in saying that you will do anything we want if the post hits 3 reposts

no takesies backsies btw
