insulting people in old english is actually so funny


I misread that as “insulting old people in english is so fun”

fr, I have a coffee mug that has shakespearean insults printed on it.

“thou art light of brain”

“anointed sovereign of sighs and groans”

it’s hilarious

I asked AI to compose an offensive email using old English:

To the Esteemed Sir or Madam,

Verily, it has come to my attention that your comportment, nay, your very existence, doth offend the delicate sensibilities of my refined disposition. Your visage, akin to a cur’s countenance, hath provoked within me a maelstrom of displeasure heretofore unseen.

Pray, dost thou imagine thyself a person of consequence? Nay, for thou art but a trifling speck upon the tapestry of existence—a mere mote of insignificance. Thy words, like the buzzing of gnats, assail my ears with a cacophony of banality.

Thy intellect, if it may be called such, resembles a guttering candle, flickering dimly in the winds of ignorance. Verily, I suspect that even the village fool doth surpass thee in sagacity.

In conclusion, I beseech thee to withdraw from my presence forthwith, lest I be compelled to employ more forceful language. Mayhap thou shalt find solace in the company of swine, for they, too, possess a certain rustic charm.

Ouch Lol

\- Rouxls Kaard

…and yet it still says “tapestry”

"Villain, I have done thy mother!" Actual Shakespearean quote

thou lewd clay-brained rabbit-sucker!