We are sorry about the lack of episodes recently. A few of our crew members have been infected with some sort of disease, causing them to bite other members, seemingly spreading this disease. We have yet to receive an explanation as to how this happened, but it is believed it came from one of the observation teams monitoring the Mef creature watching us through a window.

It has been confirmed that it is not rabies, as it is non-lethal. But whether or not it is more or less dangerous than rabies has yet to be confirmed. Stay safe, the Wasteof Geographic team.


hope the crew recover soon ❤️

…although on second thoughts, maybe biting people is a good thing…

@wasteof-geographic is my nominee for #1 most interesting wasteofer

This TV programme or whatever is the best thing since before sliced bread (sliced bread is kinda overrated)

I thought it was always written as "TV program"?

I don’t know, I never checked the spelling…

programme is non 'merican spelling

But I said it