Tired of setting up projects? Introducing SparkShell ⚡

We get it - you just want to code, not spend hours figuring out complicated environments. That's why we built SparkShell, a simple & easy to use web development platform for everyone.

Here's what you can do with SparkShell:

  • Build projects quickly with SparkShell's editor.

  • Explore our guides to learn web technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Markdown, and more.

  • Share your progress with others using Private Shares or custom sparkshell.sh/sparkshell.app domains.

  • Install libraries with ease so you don't need to add scripts to every file.

  • Save your progress with handy project snapshots.

SparkShell is still being developed, but we're working hard to make it the best we can.

Ready to code? Start building and sharing your next project with SparkShell today! ➡️ https://sparkshell.dev

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Aug 26, 2024, 10:03 PM
26 11 22


help i cant verify my email it just says “null“

please email me at [email protected] and I can help you out

Yooooo pogpogpogpogpog

Js curious, is NextJS also included in SparkShell?

no, sorry

I think it’s only frontend things at the moment.

This is awesome! And I don’t know if you know, but you released it just at the moment replit decided to enforce limits : 3 repls max. 600 minutes of coding per month max/user (20 day), except if you pay. You’re saving my HTML CSS JS HTMX experience! Do you have any plans to start running small vms with NixOS to be able to run Python NodeJS and more on your platform?

I did know that, yeah!

I wish I could afford that but I'm just a sophomore in high school and currently don't have a job*

*though I will in a couple months

congrats for finishing this

thanks, I appreciate it

i love it

Tasty banan lmao

Wait it's officially released?

Guess I'll release the video tomorrow