new reason girls are better than boys just dropped: only girl weed gets you high, boy weed just smells and also makes your girl weed bad

3 days ago
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wasteof users when they see a lily post be like:


But this is unhinged

  1. people can enjoy drugs as long as they do so safely, I don’t get what the problem is

  2. this is unhinged?? you’ve seen my posts right?? I literally talk about wanting to bite people and being a creature. this is barely unhinged lol

exactly to both

i also want to preemptively say this before the talking point comes up - drug addiction is not a moral failing at all

  1. People don’t do drugs safely

  2. Yeah but as long as you don’t actually bite someone it’s not that unhinged

  1. people use knives unsafely

  2. til biting people is problematic. what has this wokeist world come to

  1. True? I don’t get it

  2. What

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  1. Yes they can?? Have you ever seen someone drink alcohol without getting drunk? Also it’s her body not yours lol

  2. you don’t know that (;

  1. Fair enough I guess but that’s still not a good idea

  2. I hope you don’t actually bite people (well, without them saying ok at least) because that’s kind of painful

I think cheesewhisk3rs concerns were justified. Without a disclaimer or anything, and the comment section was full of “TRUE!” and “FR LOLL” and “SO RELATBLE” this post would borderline be promoting drugs as cool and funny. I dont think lily did anything wrong by posting this, per say. But if lily isn’t going to add a disclaimer, than people shouldn’t get mad at people saying drugs are bad in the comments, which is a reasonable thing to do.

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just because it isn’t their body doesn’t mean they can’t give advice to a body

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