blaze answer me please i’m 64lu i’m famouse

blaze whyd you take the post down it was iconic

Check our response

Hello Blaze! I’m here to ask for information regarding your recent endorsement. What is your response to those who are against the campaign endorsement because there are some people who are upset by your endorsement?

Can I interview you please?

How confident are you that you will win the election?

Very confident. I feel like winning this election would be a W for unity and community, considering it is one of Blaze’s core values.

can you tell me about blaze

are you multiple people

No, it’s just @kyletech

Idk if that’s the right person but there’s only one person running it

when will @kyletech be active

How’s project volcano going?

It was paused for awhile because I was busy with other things but it should be out by early June.

@blaze pls help i lost my blaze acc, i dont remember email (i do remember password) also what requirements for verify on blaze?

Check DMs on Blaze

i get ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT when i try to enter website

Do the forgot password and enter the same one as before. Try again

no, i forgot the email that i used, not the password

Check your DMs. We literally sent the email address on there.

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kyle add me on discord my username is errplane

what are you using to host blaze lol

stop & give me the comment >:(

got my eyes on you

Where did your post about things that can be uploaded on Blaze, Meower and Wasteof go?

It’s been deleted due to people getting upset about all of this, thinking this ad was meant to insult the work that Meower and wasteof does, which was never the intent at all, and is also not true.

Oh, so you deleted it? Wise choice

What is this Operation Volcano all about? What is it? An attempt to make some kind of better version of Blaze? Because I don’t think the open source community is welcoming y’all with open arms.

Operation Volcano is a megaproject that will supercharge Blaze to an even better app that will blow even skeptic’s expectations. And about the open source community, who cares if they welcome us or not? Some will be happy, others won't. That's just how life works. We’re simply putting open source projects out there for those who actually WANT to help us.

And nothing else. You can read our other posts if you want if you need more information on how this will play out. Feel free to follow us too!

Uh, you said so little with an amazing amount of words.

Anyways, do you guys have a GitHub account/organization? Will you let the devs do everything and take the merit…

We will be making a GitHub Org soon. We will allow anyone to make things through about Open Sourced projects, just as long as you credit us. Also, we will give the devs credit for what they worked on.

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