
any/all || snek

Hi, I’m cheesewhisk3rs!

I joined in late 2023 but moved to this account. There’s not much you need to know about me, but here it is in a nice list:

  1. Any pronouns

  2. I like all animals (except dogs, they’re scary) but I especially like cats 🐈

  3. I mostly play Minecraft, and I enjoy reading, drawing and writing stories.

  4. I am French & British! Bilingual :)

  5. You can contact me at [email protected].

My current goals on this website are:

  1. Follow all users on wo.m

  2. Get to 100 followers (please?)

About my name:

  1. Pronounced “cheese whiskers”

  2. Written “cheesewhisk3rs” (the name has to always be lowercase).

Oh, and here’s my PCE account: https://www.pixelcatsend.com/profile&id=19448

I’ll add more stuff if I need.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:06 PM
5 0 20

Battle for Google Sheets (B4GS), the original (I think) spreadsheet-based strategy game for Wasteof, is launching on May 12th.

In this Much Epic game for Big Brain Gamers, fight for control over a seemingly normal spreadsheet to become the biggest Society by acquiring resources, building structures, expanding your territory and conquering other civilizations. Don’t like fighting? Form alliances or build impenetrable defences. Want to gain an edge? Use Research Points and your wealth of materials to level up your buildings or Society. I’ll be continuously improving the game over time, and if all goes well, things will last a long time. Anyone can drop in at any time, and if your Society gets conquered, you can join right back in.

Please spread the word and promote B4GS. Follow the official @b4gs account for more updates. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Apr 29, 2024, 4:52 AM
10 6 5

6: Reposting posts I find interesting because I can't think of anything interesting.

the variation of my posts is kinda wild

  1. talking about stuff I’ve made (code, art, etc)

  2. deep stuff (or at least an attempt at being deep)

  3. random humor

  4. human rights issues

  5. spreading the dragon mind virus my severe obsession with dragons/wanting to be one

Apr 27, 2024, 6:49 PM
10 4 1
Apr 28, 2024, 1:23 PM
1 0 0

…And we never found out how many dogs there were.

undertale contains the most hilarious steam game description i’ve ever read

Apr 28, 2024, 2:58 AM
3 1 0

That first line feels out of place…

ok ok ummmm - hmm - how about:

sometimes when i eat dinner i have to eat a certain amount of like peas or smthn and the problem is - it tastes rly bad

so im there trying to like eat as many peas as possible without feeling bad about it but then when im done theyre all gone and i dont have any more peas to eat

so im left with this really nasty taste in my mouth - like did i just eat it for nothing :c

quick, only recite the punchlines of jokes in the comments

the punchline

Apr 26, 2024, 6:40 AM
2 1 6

My feed doesn’t have enough posts.

Who posts regularly interesting posts that I can follow?

i came up with a funny wasteof easter egg idea - it’s called “plakeof money”

it’s basically a series of 10 pre-made plake levels which you have to complete in order, but instead of blue lines, the platforms are randomly-selected posts by people on wasteof that you’re following. also the player icon is whatever your profile picture is.

pls make this real jeffalo it’d be so fun

Apr 25, 2024, 7:00 PM
17 4 16

I wonder how many users on wasteof are actually users and not alts and namesnipes…

Conspiracy theorists are going to have fun blaming Elon Musk for this one…

Contrail Shadow X

What created this giant X in the clouds? It was the shadow of contrails illuminated from below. When airplanes fly, humid engine exhaust may form water droplets that might freeze in Earth's cold upper atmosphere. These persistent streams of water and ice scatter light from the Sun above and so appear bright from below. On rare occasions, though, when the Sun is near the horizon, contrails can be lit from below. These contrails cast long shadows upwards, shadows that usually go unseen unless there is a high cloud deck. But that was just the case over Istanbul, Türkiye, earlier this month. Contrails occur all over planet Earth and, generally, warm the Earth when the trap infrared light but cool the Earth when they efficiently reflect sunlight. The image was taken by a surprised photographer in the morning on the way to work.

It’s human nature to cause problems, so unless we bite people, there will always be problems.

Is it just my internet or device or is wo.m being very slow?

This is my favourite jokebot joke so far

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don't.

I just got “Error 400 - failed google oauth”

dont you love it when you remember a meme from a completely unrelated situation during a class

class in question being history

and the meme being