
any/all || banana

Hi, I’m cheesewhisk3rs!

I joined in late 2023 but moved to this account. There’s not much you need to know about me, but here it is in a nice list:

  1. Any pronouns

  2. I like all animals (except dogs, they’re scary) but I especially like cats 🐈

  3. I mostly play Minecraft, and I enjoy reading, drawing and writing stories.

  4. I am French & British! Bilingual :)

  5. You can contact me at [email protected].

My current goals on this website are:

  1. Follow all users on wo.m

  2. Get to 100 followers (please?)

About my name:

  1. Pronounced “cheese whiskers”

  2. Written “cheesewhisk3rs” (the name has to always be lowercase).

Oh, and here’s my PCE account: https://www.pixelcatsend.com/profile&id=19448

I’ll add more stuff if I need.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:06 PM
5 0 20

Should I make @evil-kiwi into a puzzle of sorts across the website?

How does this post by a banned non famous user have 16 likes (and no reposts)

I ate sushi.

Phoenix SC is now at 2.5 million subscribers

Go to @elaruu/wall and comment “Free JamieD132"

life can be a rollercoaster, with ups and downs. but you know what they say, what goes up must come down. so enjoy the highs, ride out the lows, and always keep moving forward

I lost (I am sitting)

Last player standing wins.

I came up with an update that adds the ability to bend the rules of physics, I think i’m so stupid for being a mess and that your statement?

I think I’m going insane

If I had a coin to waste for every time someone from this website found a YouTube comment of mine, I would have 2 coins. Which isn't a lot, but it's still wastable money

I needed a power snack ok

Who in the hell just stole 5 tons of uranium 

And how is that unique? Anyone could make such a sentence

Unique Sentence 1

Q: What is unique about this sentence: The quick red fox jumped over the brown lazy dog.

A: The sentence used every letter of the alphabet.

75 followers! Thanks :))

Flash forward to 2100 and we’re all old (or deceased), among us is in museums and nobody knows what a Minecraft is anymore.

My house is full of traps.