
any/all || snek

Hi, I’m cheesewhisk3rs!

I joined in late 2023 but moved to this account. There’s not much you need to know about me, but here it is in a nice list:

  1. Any pronouns

  2. I like all animals (except dogs, they’re scary) but I especially like cats 🐈

  3. I mostly play Minecraft, and I enjoy reading, drawing and writing stories.

  4. I am French & British! Bilingual :)

  5. You can contact me at [email protected].

My current goals on this website are:

  1. Follow all users on wo.m

  2. Get to 100 followers (please?)

About my name:

  1. Pronounced “cheese whiskers”

  2. Written “cheesewhisk3rs” (the name has to always be lowercase).

Oh, and here’s my PCE account: https://www.pixelcatsend.com/profile&id=19448

I’ll add more stuff if I need.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:06 PM
5 0 20

Very relatable…

This is a total disaster, all my fault.

I’m probably going to make a discord account. Just got to get my parents to say yes (not easy)…

Repost because tbh I just want attention lmao


Repost because tbh I just want attention lmao

Introducing: wasteof.live

The new wasteof.money podcast with other members in the community!

Website: https://wasteof.live

Discord: https://discord.gg/TkzQGcttum

Apr 22, 2024, 12:30 AM
44 26 32

i cant get over the fact that theres this whole world outside of me - like the whole planet is just a whole society which has been building and growing for thousands of years and like theres just this random little bit that everyone uses to talk to other people - that i can communicate with anyone anywhere in a split second by just using a few small things that can access a whole network of people - im typing this and theres someone literally thousands of miles away who can be told abt this and like that is just insane to me

This isn’t funny, it’s disturbing.

I was reading a great book about an immortal dog the other day. It was impossible to put down.
NEUROS funny quote alert:
"I gotta make my dragons more flamboyantly
gender neutral, you can't tell at all if its
a male or female but DAMN are they pretty"


if you stare at a wall for over 3 seconds you start hearing it whisper scary things

so apparently there’s supposed to be a strike today, which includes not making normal posts, I don’t think that not posting on here will do much for anything considering how small it is and that it doesn’t make any money

I will however, remind everyone again that the situation in Gaza becomes more dire with each passing day, the occupation just recently destroyed the largest hospital in Gaza. Free Palestine.

…Because humans can.

A cat cannot see directly under its nose.

new scratch project ids now have 10 digits in them. so that’s fun.

congratulations to the user who made the project with an id of 1,000,000,000!


Apr 12, 2024, 3:13 PM
3 1 0

I’m back (well, two days ago but I forgot to post)

Going to the USA for Easter break 🦅🇺🇸

I tried using Meower today, but it won't load at all

This is fine