
Teamwork for the win! You go first

I feel like this probably happens to everyone at some point

I’m getting shipped with one of my friends in class 😩

It's really just a choice between waiting for some afternoon daycare of a moderation team to understand their mistakes, or for me to just make a new account. Doesn't seem like a hard choice to me.

status: considering scratch ban evasion

status: considering scratch ban evasion

I do swearing

I don’t do swears (if you start swearing, you might do drugs, and if you do drugs, you might start swearing)

I don’t do drugs (coffee bad)

i drank coffee for the first time once at like 2pm and stayed up till 3am. worst experience ever. don’t do caffiene.

i feel like the fact that my friends and i all have varying levels of a caffeine dependency is just a little tiny bit concerning lol

like i have the least already but i still have coffee once a week


When you become angry with someone for being honest with you, they may begin to conceal the truth in order to avoid displeasing you.

we need a windex air freshener

My house smells like windex :(

wowee!!! a couple of people seemed to really like that one screenshot i posted of the talking ben mc map im making (which barely shows anything), so i think i should post more!!1!


This looks like a meme made by a 14-year-old Scratcher that claims to have every single mental disorder in existence, and gets really mad whenever somebody remixes their projects for any reason at all

Y'all need to see this

i am making talking bens house in minecraft and its turning out super well


Guys can we please stop i dont like this game :(

I agree. All they do is create a bunch of posts about the same topic, when we could be using comment chains.

^ repost chains are such a problem in wasteof society, repost if you agree

repost this if you agree!

remove reposts (it encourages repost chains)

I don't see where the original post stated that this was going to be a repost chain, so it isn't OG's fault.

please stop making repost chains 🙄

Where did January go wtf

drama = 👁‍🗨

me: posts something original

no ones cares

me: steals someone post

post owner immediately reacts

it works