
Teamwork for the win! You go first

11:30 PM rn

i hate it when kumquat comes to my house at 3am

Nice of the princess to invite me over for a picnic

I hope she made lotsa spaghetti

Look! It’s from B O W S A

🦌 pesky plumber

the Koopalings and I have taken over the 🍄 Kingdom. the princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa 🏨. I dare you to find her if you can!

I got to find the princess!

And YOU got to help me!

If you need instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions on how to get instructions, please check out the Enclosed Instruction Book.

I an or tired

wasteof.money Home Explore About

Jul 28, 2022, 12:48 AM
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I think I'm going to make it an importable script, so you can shove Shovel Knight into any HTML files.

I still have interest in doing this but I think I'm going to hold off on it for a while.

Recently I've heard that box2D has a JavaScript port. In case you didn't know, Shovel Knight uses box2D for physics… so I really want to create a browser extension where you can play as Shovel Knight in your favorite webpages. 

  1. Burger King foot lettuce

Happy birthday!

oh yea forgot to say its my bday

just had totinos for the first time in my life

Well, that was easy.

Mario's Mystery Meat is pretty funny