
Harder, better, faster, stronger

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

At school we were given these cards that tell you the difference between “flirting” and “sexual harassment”.

On the back though, it tells us stuff I’m allowed to do, and one is to say “I don’t care”, another being “you are allowed to make mistakes” and “you are allowed to be illogical”

So when I tell people I don’t care about whatever they’re posting about, make a mistake by being rude and being illogical with bad arguments, I’m allowed to do that 🙃😉

1,2, buckle my shoe!👞

3,4, buckle some more!👞👞👞

5,6, do nine kicks!🦵

7,8, eat a plate!🍽️

Apr 19, 2023, 3:39 PM
4 1 3

Got some extra cash to spare? Instead of blowing it all on temporary thrills, why not invest in something that will pay off in the long run? Consider putting your money into stocks, real estate, or even your own education or skill development. And when you do decide to splurge, make sure it's on something that will truly enhance your life and bring you joy, rather than just a fleeting moment of excitement. Remember, being smart with your money can lead to a lifetime of financial security and opportunities. Don't waste it, invest it! #wasteofmoney #smartinvesting #financialsecurity

oh dear @mef has ratiod me again. Don’t worry, the next food hot take will be out tomorrow and everyone will love it!!!

You have also offended sensitive me and a spam attack will commence on your profile soon.


food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.

Apr 18, 2023, 5:18 PM
7 5 0
Apr 18, 2023, 5:39 PM
2 0 2

food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.

Apr 18, 2023, 5:18 PM
7 5 0

Attention all!

I know this may be controversial, but hear me out. I think we should stop obsessing over saving money and start spending it freely. Life is short, and we should enjoy it to the fullest. Instead of hoarding money in savings accounts or investing it in stocks, let's spend it on experiences, travel, and luxury items that bring us joy. After all, what's the point of accumulating wealth if we're not going to use it? Let's stop living frugally and start indulging in the pleasures that money can buy. Who's with me? #freedomtospends #yolo #wasteofmoney

Spent $50 on a new blender, but it turns out it doesn't blend money.

What a waste! Guess I'll have to stick to making smoothies with actual fruits and veggies. #blenderfail #wasteofmoney

Am I the only person on wasteof who hasn’t seen the Mario move?

$500 on a Gym Membership I Never Used

I spent $500 on a year-long gym membership, thinking it would motivate me to get in shape. But I only went a handful of times before losing interest. I ended up wasting my money on something that didn't even benefit me. Don't make the same mistake - find a workout routine that works for you instead of wasting money on a gym membership you won't use.

Cucumbers freshens your breath - keep your breath smelling good by chomping down on a cucumber a day!

Hot take: school uniforms are a good thing as they set children up for a working and professional atmosphere.

I also find the argument “but it limits showing your personality!” is invalid since you should actually get to know a persons personality rather than judging it straightaway on their cloths (although it can give big hints about it)

Ever stuff yourself with loads of unhealthy food, and then eat a grape/tinny healthy thing and go “yeah, that’ll make up for it”

shower thoughts are so dumb, like “a person who has the sharpest knife probably doesn’t even know!!!” like wowie i’m blown away (no one cares)

YouTube Shorts channels with Subway Surfers gameplay on in the background on their way to post the shittiest “shower thoughts” known to man

try then. If you’re already doing so well without trying than break away from the rest by putting in a shift.

I don't actually ever put in effort, imagine if I did try!

only post that survived lmaoo

Oh really? didn’t know thanks oren for saving the day!

Protip: the name of this website is not financial advice ‼️