
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

A Gray House

Q: In a one story, gray house every thing is gray. The kitchen is gray, the bedrooms are gray, the bathroom is gray. What color are the stairs?

A: There are no stairs. It's a one story house.

10 Letters

Q: What has ten letters and starts with gase?

A: Automobile

What Am I?

Q: I run but never walk, I have a bed but never sleep, I have a mouth but never speak. What am I?

A: A River

In The Grocery Store

Q: In the grocery store, Sal met his only daughter?s only husband?s mother-in-law?s only mother-in-law. Who was she?

A: Sal?s mother. (His son-in-law?s mother-in-law was his wife; her mother-in-law was Sal?s mother.)

What Makes Polar Bears White

Q: I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

A: I dont know, help me figure it out :-)

Four Legs And A Back

Q: What is it that has four legs And one back, Yet can't walk?

A: It is a chair.

Come In

Q: I am someone you use everyday. You always walk in it. what am I?

A: a door

I Said His Name

Q: Thier once was a man on Mayberry street who kept his clothes all nice and neet he tilted his hat an drew his cane in this riddle I said his name.

A: andrew


Q: A mother with 3 children has one potato. She wants to feed all her children equally how does she do it without useing fractions?

A: She makes mashed potatos.

Ice Cream

Q: Baskin Robbins made only one vegetable flavored ice cream. What was it?

A: Some people say ketchup but tomatoes are a fruit. We called Baskin Robbins head quarters and the actual answer is Pumpkin.


A man lives on the 150th floor in a very tall building. When he goes down the building, he takes the elevator all the way down, But when he goes up, he takes the elevator to the 50th floor then gets off and takes the stairs the rest of the way up. why?

Because he's short and he can't reach the 150th button on the elevator

[{"title": "", "question": "what can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never weeps, has a head but never weeps.", "answer": "river"}]
[{"title": "Opposite Sides", "question": "Who are the two brothers who live on opposite sides of the road yet never see each other?", "answer": "Eyes."}]
[{"fact": "Each year all of the Hostess bakeries combined bake 500 million Twinkies a year. (A twinkie is a sponge cake with a creamy filling.)"}]